PSVita DB Theme Installer 2.0

PSVita DB Theme Installer est un programme permettant d'installer facilement un thème sur votre PS Vita, en utilisant la technique "mail" et donc compatible en firmwares 3 à 3.52.

Il s'agit d'une application java (compatible windows, linux, mac) utilisant le fichier app.db extrait de votre console (en suivant ce tuto) puis réinséré dans la console (avec ce tuto).


  • Written in JAVA, so compatible with any OS that supports a JVM (Windows, Linux, Mac…).
  • Removed the need to use any external program (like SQLite Browser) and to find and edit SQL tables/records manually: all you need to do is to pass an app.db and your theme info, the program will write records automatically in your DB file at the correct table.
  • Support for SQL blobs: this means that you can insert even a title and an author/provider for your custom theme that will appear in PSVita Theme Settings page. In this way there will be really no difference between an official PSVita theme and your custom theme, like you can view from these screenshots
  • Basic and easy to use GUI.
  • Application’s window resizable by the user so as to fit any screen resolutions.
  • Tooltips with explanations on every field.
  • Support for drag & drop in the input app.db text field.
  • The program will check if a record with the same UNIQUE key is already existing so as avoiding SQL errors.
  • Ability to insert all params about your theme info, such as version, last mod date, size, etc…
  • Ability to calculate the size of your theme automatically (by passing the main folder of your theme the program will calculate automatically the full size).
  • Ability to set the last modified date to now automatically.
  • Ability to create a backup of your app.db automatically before writing changes.
  • Ability to quickly fill all text fields with default values (I used the same of the HackInformer’s tutorial).
  • English and Italian translations.
Version 2.0
Added a new installation mode compatible with every Firmware < 3.55, so even for firmwares < 3.30 that did not support the old "Official Theme" installation mode.
The new installation method will let the user to edit any existing system app icon and title too.
Ability to import the icons filenames directly from a theme.xml file even for the new installation method.
Support for custom XML keys in the theme.xml in the new installation method: in addition to the official themes XML keys (m_browser, m_video, m_music, m_ps3Link, m_party, m_trophy, m_near, m_hostCollabo, m_ps4Link, m_friend, m_email, m_calendar, m_message, m_parental, m_camera, m_settings) the program will search for other custom XML keys such as m_store (PSStore app icon), m_maps (Maps app icon), m_package (Package Installer app icon), m_cross (Cross Controller app icon), m_panoramic (Panoramic Camera app icon)and m_welcome (Welcome Park app icon).
So from now on custom themes authors can add these XML keys in their custom theme's theme.xml file to support their automatic installation in old firmwares with this program.
The program now will automatically recognize if the imported APP.DB supports "Official theme" installation method or not. If not then it will automatically disable the specific tab to avoid that users can make any mistake.
Added a function to check for available updates for the program at startup.

Note about email server issues: I know that my website's email server, used by the app to send its emails, is not very efficient. It's a basic shared web hosting, so network errors and delayed delivery occur very often. Unfortunatly, I tried even with other free famous and more efficient SMTP servers such as GMail or Yahoo Mail, but they block very soon the email account for "suspicious activity" when you try to use the program on different IPs. In next versions I'm going to let the user to configure his own email account to send emails so as to resolve any issue definitely.

Version 1.3
- Added a new function to send an email to your PSVita already preset to get the app.db file through the known Mr. Gas' mail trick method
- Added a new function to send an email to your PSVita with the modified app.db as attachment! The email will be already preset to be ready to install the app.db file through the known Mr. Gas' mail trick method
This new feature will be available immediately after writing the changes to app.db or even activable by the user manually by clicking on the specific button after loading a app.db with the application.
- Slightly changed the GUI with the addition of two new buttons for the two new features above

Version 1.2
-Added a function to clean and compact the database (using the SQL command VACUUM). This will reduce the size of your app.db, especially if it is very old, deleting all obsolete tables and records.
-Added a button near every text field that will open a new dialog with a preview screenshot of where the string will appear on PSVita.
-Changed and improved the explanation about the "Main Folder Path" parameter since it seems that was not very clear.
-Opened a collaborative translation project on OneSkyApp, so if you wish to contribute with a translation for the program now you can do it.

Version 1.1
-Added a function to import a theme.xml file and get data (if any) from it. In this way filling in the various text fields, especially those related to the theme's file paths, should be even faster now!
-Slightly remodelled the GUI
-Now the option to do a backup of the app.db file before writing is enabled by default
-Added the French translation by Yattoz
-Fixed a spelling error in the English translation (thanks to HarmfulMushroom for reporting this) officiel :


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