Enhanced PSP Hexen v2.01 (Special Vita MOD v0.1) par nitr8

Voici un portage du jeu Hexen pour le mode PSP de votre PS Vita, une version améliorée par nitr8 du portage de 2007 du jeu Hexen originalement par kgsws.
Beaucoup de modifications sont apportées.

Changements par rapport à la version de 2007 :
Added MP3 music support
Fixed bug: rapid fire on automap button
Fixed bug: rapid fire on inventory left button
Fixed bug: rapid fire on inventory right button
Fixed bug: main menu entry "INFO" displaying graphical glitch upon entering
Fixed bug: intermission screen displaying graphical glitch
Fixed bug: automap & status bar overlay displaying graphical glitch
Fixed bug: automap background not moving like it does on the PC version
Fixed bug: graphical glitch when displaying first victory screen (hall)
Fixed bug: graphical glitch when displaying second victory screen (orb)
Fixed bug: graphical glitch when displaying third victory screen (chess)
Moved option "END GAME" from "OPTIONS" menu to "GAME FILES" menu
Moved "CHEATS" menu from "OPTIONS" menu to "GAME FILES" menu
Renamed cheat option "WEAPONS" to "GIVE WEAPONS"
Renamed cheat option "ITEMS" to "GIVE ITEMS"
Added "GIVE KEYS" option to "CHEATS" menu
Added "AUTOMAP" option to "CHEATS" menu
Created category "MORE CHEATS..." within "CHEATS" menu
Added "KILL ENEMIES" option to category "MORE CHEATS..." of "CHEATS" menu
Added "CHOOSE MAP" option to category "MORE CHEATS..." of "CHEATS" menu
Created category "SCREEN SETTINGS" within "OPTIONS" menu
Moved "SCREEN SIZE" setting from "OPTIONS"->"MORE..." menu to "OPTIONS"->"SCREEN SETTINGS" menu
Created option to change brightness from within "OPTIONS"->"SCREEN SETTINGS" menu
Created category "CONTROL SETTINGS" within "OPTIONS" menu
Created category "SOUND SETTINGS" within "OPTIONS" menu
Created option "SFX VOLUME" within "SOUND SETTINGS" menu
Created option "MUSIC VOLUME" within "SOUND SETTINGS" menu
Created option "CHOOSE TRACK" within "SOUND SETTINGS" menu
Created category "SYSTEM SETTINGS" within "OPTIONS" menu
Moved "CPU" setting from "OPTIONS" menu to "OPTIONS"->"SYSTEM SETTINGS" menu
Renamed "CPU" setting to "CPU SPEED :"
Created category "GAME SETTINGS" within "OPTIONS" menu
Moved "MESSAGES" setting from "OPTIONS" menu to "OPTIONS"->"GAME SETTINGS" menu
Added separate config files for HEXEN and DEATHKINGS to use separate savegame folders
Customized "HEXEN.CFG" and "DKING.CFG" for better controls (both analog sticks can be used now for perfect movement)
HARD CODE change for PSVita's left analog stick (was moving and turning - now is moving and strafing)
Code additions for memory / palette cleanup after the game is being ended by using the game's main menu option "QUIT GAME"
Finally some "end of modification" code optimizations


TRIANGLE: show / hide automap
SQUARE: inventory left
CIRCLE: inventory right
LEFT ANALOG STICK: move forwards & backwards / strafe left & right
RIGHT ANALOG STICK: turn left & right
SELECT: open main menu
START: use selected inventory object
CURSOR UP: previous weapon
CURSOR DOWN: next weapon
CURSOR LEFT / RIGHT: (due to the PSP emulator it's the same as the right analog stick: turn left & right)
LEFT TRIGGER: open doors / use switches

Attention, certains bugs/plantages peuvent apparaître, voir la liste des bugs connus :

ISSUE: - sometimes there may be random graphical glitches and some of the game's letters (menu items / pick up text messages) disappear unexpectedly

WORKAROUND: For a temporary solution, restart the game.
I believe that this issue is caused by a memory allocation error.
This error usually doesn't appear twice the time once the game is restarted.

ISSUE: - sometimes the game may be hanging at start or while in game it throws an error that sounds like "...Bad V_DrawPatch..."

WORKAROUND: As said above: this might be caused by a memory allocation error.
Just restart the game and it should work.

ISSUE: - sometimes within the game and at a random time the game may be throwing the error "R_DrawSpriteRange: bad texturecolumn"

WORKAROUND: As said above: this might be caused by a memory allocation error.
Just restart the game and it should work.

ISSUE: - sometimes the game may be hanging at "Entering graphics mode" when trying to run it from XMB

WORKAROUND: As said above: this might be caused by a memory allocation error.
It's possible that you might need to try and run the game several times until it works.
I'm sorry for that but i can't really fix that memory issue. :-(
Sometimes it works instantly and sometimes it needs to be started several times until it will finally run.
If it still won't run, try hard resetting the Vita by holding down the power button until it resets itself.
Then just "RESTART" the PS Vita system when prompted.

ISSUE: - if you obtained the "FLYING" artifact and press the "JUMP" button (CROSS) you will most likely be automatically flying until the artifact's lifetime is drained.

WORKAROUND: I may be looking into this situation but please don't expect to see any new release very soon.

ISSUE: - there is no button to "FLY DOWN"

WORKAROUND: I know of that situation.
The only current workaround for this is approaching a wall: you will automatically "FLY DOWN".

All of these known situations / bugs are not appearing that often. Usually you can play the game for hours until one of the errors mentioned here suddenly appears.

Pour l'installation du jeu, placez HEXEN.WAD dans le dossier principal, et HEXDD.WAD si vous voulez jouer à l'addon.
Si vous voulez lire la musique vous devrez lire la version convertie en MP3 et renommée SONG1.MP3 à SONG36.MP3

http://www.ps3hax.net/showthread.php?t=72462Site officiel : http://www.ps3hax.net/showthread.php?t=72462

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